FREE Support
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Unlimited Certificates
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Easy To Use
Quick and simple
Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
Do I get support and updates. If so, how much does it cost?
Our support is FREE and whilst you have an active account, you will receive all updates for free. Please feel free to call us on 01638 563442 or email support@cscerts.co.uk.
Do you offer a free trial?
Yes we offer a 14 free day trial. You do not need to register a bank card, just sign up and you can instantly start using the software. Try it now CS Certs For Free
Can I use the software offline?
We recommend that when you are out on site, that you put your device in aeroplane mode and complete your certificates this way. Once you are back in the office or home where there is full wifi access, you then sync your account. This will then add your certificates to the cloud and they can then be viewed on the website version.
How do I contact you?
Please feel free to call us on 01638 563442 or email support@cscerts.co.uk.
Can I set permissions to stop my engineers deleting certificates?
If you are an administrator. Click Settings > Users from the menu and select the user you would like to change permissions, change the permissions and select Save.
What format should my signature be?
Your signature should be either a .png .jpg .bmp or .gif.
Will I get a reminder when my subscription expires?
Yes, an email reminder will also be sent to the company email address. This cannot be deactivated, please keep the company email address up to date to ensure you receive your reminder.
You can set how many days beforehand you would like the reminder in Settings > Payments under the section Current Subscription.
How do I renew my subscription and how much does it cost?
You can renew your subscription by going to Settings > Payments and choosing either 30 days @£13.99 (incl VAT) for 1 year at £99 (incl VAT) under the section Renew Your Subscription.
If you would like to add an additional user, slide the slider to the number of users you would like. If you require more than 4 user licenses, it would be cheaper to purchase a volume license, which allows for unlimited users. Please contact us for further information.
Do you take card payment over the phone?
At present, the only payment method available is PayPal. If you do not have a PayPal account, do not worry, you can checkout as a guest.
Can I have a receipt for my subscription purchase?
If you click Settings > Payments from the menu, you will see a list of your recent purchases on the bottom of the page with an option to print your receipt.
Certificates / Templates
How long will my Certificates be online for?
All your certificates will be stored in the cloud indefinitely.
When I click Preview nothing happens!
If you are using the website in Chrome, Edge or Firefox, you will need to turn off your pop-up blocker in the browser settings. On an Apple device it is under Settings > Safari > Turn off block popups
How do I add a new page?
If you are already in a certificate, select the button that says “Back to Certificate” located at the bottom of the screen. You will then see a button at the top that says “Add Button”. Once clicked it will give you a list of additional pages that are available for that particular certificate.
Alternatively, this button can be found in Certs & Templates > Certificates, edit the appropriate certificate and the button can be seen at the top.
Can I make a complete copy of a certificate for multiple use?
From the menu click Jobs > Certificate and from the certificate list, right click an existing certificate you would like to copy and choose Create Template. This template can be used as many times as you like by clicking Utilities > Templates from the menu. Highlight the template from the list you would like to use and click the Create Certificate button.
Can I add my own logo or my membership logo to the certificates?
Yes, if you click Settings > Company from the menu, you will see a section called Company Logo. This is where you can add your company logo. There is also a section called Scheme Logo where you can put your membership scheme logo.
Can I email my certificate to the customer?
Yes, if you click Certs & Templates and highlight the certificate you would like to email. You can then either right-click on the mouse and select “Email Certificate” or alternatively click the “Email” button on the right under the section Certificate Tasks.